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sabato 20 novembre 2010

Grow Taller Exercises

Grow Taller Exercises

If you have read the book Grow Taller 4 Idiots, you’d learn that to grow taller you need a dynamic combination of good sleep, correct diet and proper exercising methods, none of these 3 can work alone.

Undoubtedly exercises are good, but in terms of growing taller, if it is not correctly done, we’re afraid that you are only going to waste your effort.

Height gaining exercises should be done with the correct techniques, the correct amount and step by step. We know it sounds really complicated to start with, but hang in there for awhile, we will lay it all out plain and simple in this article.

How do these so called “grow taller exercises” work?

Clinics that offer physiotherapy to help you gain 2 to 4 inches in a matter of few weeks use these methods, they made millions of dollars out of it and kept it hidden from people like you for decades. A couple of years back, Dr Darwin Smith decided to break the code of greedy money making and leak out this precious information to the public, since then a lot of people had gain inches without spending a dime on physiotherapy sessions. The set of exercises work by building up the strength of your spine and lengthen it in the process. What is more exciting about these set of exercises is that, it is 100% safe and requires no additional gadgets.

Grow taller exercises in detail …

There are many maneuvers of which if you repeat them on regular basis you will gain inches to your height. We tried our best to list out most of them, and explained them in the form of step by step guide. But before you scroll down and dive into those exercises, please read a few words of what we would like to say.

We have picked 5 exercises from the huge list, we consider them to be the most effective ones, and most importantly easy to do. All of the exercises listed in the huge list are good and effective, but for the sake of saving your precious time, we summarize 5 which you can do to start growing inches. So waste no time, here are 5 top ways to exercise your way into a taller you:

Hanging – plain and simple as it sounds. All you need for this exercise is a bar and probably even a hinge. Like a monkey hanging on the tree, you hang onto the bar. It is recommended that you do this exercise 25 minutes per week, do your own math and divide the 25 minutes equally into 4 sessions that spread evenly throughout the week. Each time you hang onto the bar, do it for about a minute, then stop for a while and repeat it again for another minute and so on. For men who wish to get a sexy “v” shape body, do try using bars with wider grips.

Super Stretch – Our choice exercise! Simply by standing up straight and raising your hands as high up as you possibly can, then lock in that position for as long as you can, generally the longer you can hold the better it is, but try to hold it for more than 15 seconds. The benefit of this exercise is not limited to height gain only, but this exercise also helps you to avoid back pain and shoulder pain as you age. Super stretch is the mirror version of wall stretch exercise which you will find in the main list.

The Down Hill – To do this, first stand up straight, joint both your hands together at the back and lock them straight , next, slowly bend forward until the maximal angle you can reach, then try pull your hands to tilt forward as you hold your forward bend position. Remember try your best not to let both hands separate from each other in the process of tilting forward. Once your hands are tilted to the maximum, hold the entire position for 3 to 5 seconds, optimally, you should not hold that position for longer than 20 seconds, because it can hurt your lower back, neck and shoulders if forced.

The Cobra stretch – A maneuver that yields great results, not only you get to stretch your spine, but also strengthen back muscles that support the spine, a very potent way to prevent future back pain. Nothing too complicated, first lie flat on the ground on your belly then slowly push your torso upward with your hands while keeping both legs flat on the ground. The limit is reached when you feel your buttocks tighten up, hold the position for approximately 10 to 15 seconds then slowly lower your torso back to the ground. If you look up the main list you can find the exercise known as Super Cobra, you may continue into doing that after you finish this basic Cobra stretch.

Cat stretch – kneel down with your buttocks sitting on your legs, then stretch your hands fully forward as far as you can and lock the position. Once you are ready, start alleviating your buttocks away from the legs and push as far forward as you can, pretend that an imaginary string is pulling you forward and you are trying to hold your position. Once you reach the maximum stretch, try holding the position for 5 to 10 seconds.

So, that’s our most recommended 5 exercises to gain height. Do check out more of the height gaining exercises in the list below, and again, we would like to remind you that, exercises alone is not enough to make you taller, there is a whole new set of habit that you need to adapt to, ranging from how you sleep to how you eat, so, read our article about How to Grow Taller to find out more about them.

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